“Flowers from the Underground”: Diversitätssensible Erschließung von Videosammlungen

In Vahrson, V. and Breuer, L. (eds) (2024). Halbwertszeit: Zum Umgang mit abgelaufenen Sammlungen. Berlin: DCV.

“Unspooled: How the Cassette Made Music Shareable” by Rob Drew

Book review in Journal of Sonic Studies, 2024.

“Manchmal artet es in Musik aus”: Approaching the inter media art practice of Conrad Schnitzler

In Semmerling, L. and Schneider, S. (eds) (2023). Conrad Schnitzler: “Manchmal artet es in Musik aus”. Cologne: Walther König. / See also Kaput: Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop.

Listening in on the Silences of a Noisy Archive: Distribution as an Archival Practice at the Düsseldorf Inter Media Art Institute 

In Dreckmann, K., Vomberg, E., and Semmerling, L. (eds) (2023). Fringe of the Fringe: Queer Punk Media History. Berlin: Hatje Cantz.

“No returns for dislike” - How music videos and video art entered the living room in the 1980s

in Dreckmann, K. and Vomberg, E. (eds) (2023). More Than Illustrated Music: Hybridizations between Music Video, Art and Pop. New York: Bloomsbury. 

Hitting Puberty: 15 Jahre Stiftung IMAI - Inter Media Art Institute

in Semmerling, L. and Šimunović, D. (eds) (2021): Hitting Puberty: IMAI Zine. Düsseldorf: IMAI - Inter Media Art Institute.

Glas und Beton in Schwingungen

in Nachtigäller, R. and Fast, F. (eds) (2020): Glas and Beton: Manifestationen des Unmöglichen. Herford: Museum Marta Herford.

Luisteren na Pauline: De Missie van Deep Listening

in Metropolis M, No. 1, 2020.

Listening on Display: Exhibiting Sounding Artworks 1960s-Now

Dissertation, Maastricht University, 2019
PhD project supervised by Kathrin Bijsterveld and Peter Peters at Maastricht University’s Department of Technology and Society Studies and funded by NWO PhDs in the Humanities (2015-2019)

Shhh...! In search of the White Cube’s soundtrack

in Weibel, P. (ed.) (2019). Sound Art. Sound as a Medium of Art. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Wie der Klang den Glaskasten eroberte: Zur Ausstellbarkeit von Klangkunst

in Elben, G. (ed.) (2019). Marler Medienkunst-Preise 2018. Cologne: Wienand

Staging the Kinetic: How music automata sensitise audiences to sound art

in Organised Sound (2018). Volume 23, Issue 3.

Explorative Listening: A phenomenological approach to sounding artworks at museums

in Leonardo Electronic Almanac (2018). Volume 22, No. 3.

Sing a song: Gedurfde geluidskunst

in Metropolis M, No.5, 2017.

Samson Young: Hearing is a condition that we aspire to

in Metropolis M, No. 2, 2017.

What color is this sound?

on Metropolis M Website, November 12, 2015.

Ryoji Ikeda: micro | macro

in Kunstforum International (2015). Bd. 237.

Living Perspective: A phenomenological investigation of landscape in painting and cartography

in Gehring, U. and P. Weibel (eds) (2014). Mapping Spaces. Networks of Knowledge in 17th Century Landscape Painting. Munich: Hirmer.